Which VEEM Marine Gyrostabilizer is right for your vessel?

Input your vessel information below and we will send you a GyroSize report with the suggested Gyrostabilizer configuration/s for your vessel and operating conditions.

Vessel Characteristics

If unknown then please leave blank and complete only the Vessel Size & Type section below.

Please enter an amount between 45 - 10,000 tonnes


How do I calculate Waterline Beam?
Please enter a unit between 2 - 20 metres


How do I calculate GMt?
Please enter a unit between 0.3 - 10 metres 


Vessel Size and Type

Complete only if Vessel Characteristics required above have been left blank.

Please enter a Vessel Type

Please enter an amount between 10 - 300 metres


If you need a hand with the above calculator contact the VEEM team at gyro@veem.com.au